In a message dated 10/30/2007 8:23:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

I received an email from someone who wrote "I am distressed to see that  your 
archives are public and anyone can search my name and come up with some  very 
private medical information."

My goodness, most of us are adults who  have a spinal cord disorder and have 
pretty much given up on our privacy  when it comes to questions asked and 
answers given regarding our specific  needs.
It is most likely that at one time or another  we have had to grow up and 
speak like an adult about topics we might not have  spoken openly about before 
became humbled by, in our case, Transverse  Myelitis, a disease we need to 
become more vocal about, if  anything.
The  TMIC  List is edited by adept  persons donating their time to whatever 
task it is that they are  overseeing.  There are strict rules and regulations 
regarding speach when  alluding to private physical issues.  We have come to  
grow up and use  real words, such as urinating over going potty, for  example.
Maybe there ought to be an "Adult Content"  header somewhere in our initial 
dialouge, but one will not be able to find  anything pornographic or anything 
even near so in the context of the words used  regarding Transverse Myelitis in 
all of its questions and  answers.
If you have a difficulty with words such as  penis or vagina then, yes, you 
may have a problem and ought to take your  unfortunate spinal cord injury 
somewhere else, but remember, as you go, will find the truth backed 
by the latest news coverage, lively  discussion and so many hugs, so much 
love, and all of the Prayers you want,  that I doubt you will find anywhere 
Now...what is your question?  And, oh, by  the way, I know more than just a 
few people who go by aliases and even at least  one of us who writes very 
intelligently to the list under at least three names  and addresses.
Jude from MI

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