That was the word I was looking for "myelopathy"--thanks Debbie.

I did find in aWebster's Dictionary under "itis" that not only is it an 
"inflammation or illness" but also a "malady arising from (an inflammation)" so 
if that is the case, it is still proper to call our "aftermath" Transverse 
Myelitis--but (in my opinion) Myelopathy would be more accurate.  
Oh well, we know what it is!

Gary in Michigan
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Carol 
  Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 10:15 AM
  Subject: Fw: [TMIC] Do we still have TM?

  I think this is a GREAT explanation.  Thank you, Debbie!!!!
  Carol in Culver, IN

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Deborah Nord Capen 
  To: Carol 
  Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2007 6:22 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Do we still have TM?

  "My-el-itis" is an inflammation.  You can think of other illnesses, such as 
tonsil-itis, appendic-itis, to name a few.  It is an inflammation, that causes 
a person to become severely ill, with death as a possibility if the 
inflammation is not corrected.  A person with appendicitis has surgery to 
remove the inflamed appendix.  A person with chronic tonsillitis has their 
tonsils removed to get rid of the tonsils that are causing chronic inflammation.

  Obviously, since myelin is surrounding our spinal cord, we can not have it 
removed to get rid of the inflammation.  The doctors either use medical 
treatment, such as IV steroids or plasmaphoresis, or other therapies, to reduce 
the inflammation before it does too much damage to the myelin sheath.

  Once the inflammation has gone, we are left with the residual damages that 
the "itis" caused to our spinal cord.  We now have "myelopathy".  There are 
varying degrees of damage, such as permanent paralysis, mild paraplegia, 
sensory deficits, motor deficits, bowel/bladder dysfunction, and in hundreds of 
different ways, in thousands of people.

  So, technically, we no longer have transverse myelitis - we have the residual 
damage from an attack of transverse myelitis.  In other words, you can say you 
have transverse myelopathy.  I tell people that I am living with damage caused 
by an attack on my spinal cord called transverse myelitis.

  Hope that helps.
  Take care,

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Carol 
    Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2007 2:14 PM
    Subject: [TMIC] Do we still have TM?

    I know this question has been put out here before, but I can't find it.  So 
I ask again, do we still have TM or did it come, destroy and leave and we are 
left with the aftermath?  

    Your comments please....
    Carol in Culver, IN

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