I guess the old saying is true, "There is a first time for everyting."

I've been reading emails and rarely do I write much. So many people on this 
list seem to have much more on their plate to deal with than myself.
This past week, I started getting results back from test. 
I still understand just about as little as I did a few years ago and I have yet 
to find a doctor to pull everything together and explain to me just what the 
hell is going on or was going on or will be going on.
It seems that you are damned for trying to learn or find out information and 
you are damned for doing nothing.
I went back to my primary care phy in August because for almost a year and a 
half I had missed my scheduled doctor appointments. 
I was sent to the hospital in 05 because I could not walk and I was hurting in 
my ass, back and legs so terribly badly.
I was sent to the hospital 6 months later because I stopped peeing and it made 
me really sick with a high fever.
In both situations, the doctors could not find an exact cause to the aliments 
and I was officially diagnosed in May 06 with transverse myelitis. In 05 I had 
been diagnosed with multiple myelopothy and my neurologist believed for a short 
time that it had the early stages of M.S. but he either forgot to tell me that 
he changed his opinion or I just forgot. So from April 2005 til May 06 I 
thought that I had or was developing MS and it scarred the hell out of me. 
In 06 when they explained that it was NOT MS but TM I felt like an idiot and 
decided not to go back to any more doctors.
No one sent me to a physical therapist although I BEGGED to be sent to one. 
I also knew and had been told that I was having some serious memory, 
concentration, retention ect problems and it was significantly impacting my job 
at work at three different schools over a period of several years and it seemed 
to be getting worse.
I also had this INCREDIBLE FATIGUE that I could not figure out what was causing 
it and I experienced NON STOP depression that lasted for THREE YEARS OF MY 
LIFE! and NOTHING I could DO, THINK, MOTIVATE myself do about it would change 
I told NO ONE about this. I just LIVED WITH IT. I only started telling doctors 
about it when it suddenly just WENT AWAY! without any explanation about 3 weeks 
after treatment for my partial paralysis experience in 05. 
So I wanted to know WHY it was there in the first place and WHY it disappeared 
and will it come back and can I do something to keep it from coming back. 
But when I asked my neurologist about it he said that it was the medication 
during the hospital that caused the depression, anxiety, ect and he wrote that 
information down.
But he didn't LISTEN to the comments - 
I decided just to go on with life and forget these intelligent people.
Meanwhile I suffered day after day night after night with pain in my back, ass 
and legs and sometimes my feet. I can't explain what kind of pain it is! It 
never stays the same! Sometimes it feels like electricity and most of the time 
it just feels uncomfortable. It feels like when you are standing on ice and you 
loose your balance and you try not to fall but you are going to fall anyway and 
the longer that you stand the more those muscles inside your legs and butt ect 
start hurting - that's what it feels like all the time - and it also feels like 
when you finally do fall and land on your tail bone and your butt and spine 
ache - but it doesn't feel like that specific moment when you actually fall, it 
feels like the pain one feels in their butt about 3 days later after they fell 
- if that makes any sense.
I also suffered with mobility problems. I could walk! YIPPEE!!!  I wasn't in a 
wheelchair or using a cane. So my neurologist told me that I was "a lucky lad" 
and "a walking miracle."
Because I COULD walk, I didn't feel that I should yack about my problems 
because so many people cannot walk at all. 
I was "getting better." 
Nevertheless, I could not run or even jog. I could not work out in the gym 
without experience incredible pain and significant flexibility and mobility 
problems for the next three days after wards. 
People at work noticed that I was slow, that I dragged my right side when I 
walked, that I had to pee about every 15-30 minutes on some days.
And of course many of them asked questions. I of course didn't really want to 
talk about it so I'd just say - "well, they think that I might have had MS or 
might be getting it but I'm getting better but it takes time."
It made me uncomfortable.
People would say, "You need to go get that checked out!"
And I would say, "I already have. If I go back, they'll just say that they've 
already diagnosed me and that there isn't anything that can be done and if I 
ask questions, they'll just look at me like I'm crazy again and I'll feel like 
a fool."
People also didn't like the fact that I was going to the bathroom all the time. 
The neuro tried to make me wear a catheter but I wouldn't. I'd rather just die 
than do that. Besides, I got to wear I could pee on my own albiet it would take 
about 3 or 4 trips to do a normal void.
Finally, because my walking was not improving too greatly and the pain had 
gotten to where I was tired of dealing with it I decided to go to a regular 
chiropractor that my boss recommended.
The little stretching routines that he performed made an immediate difference 
and my mobility and flexibly in walking immediately improved within a 2 week 
period! But the PAIN didn't go away.
This motivated me to go back to my primary care phy. and get him to send me to 
some "real doctors" and get everything looked at and taken care of once and for 
all and maybe I could get back to a normal life.
Well, he is a good doctor and sent me to several places for different test. Of 
course he seemed rather pissed off at me for ranting about every little detail 
that's happened in the past 10 years since my foot drop in 1993. I just wanted 
to know if all these events were random and distinctly different or if there 
was a correlation among them. I wasn't looking for attention or any special 
I asked him to see if he could get my a good neuro-muscular physical therapist 
and he rolled his eyes, grimmest and said that it was not his field. But he did 
send me to an excellent neurologist who took the time to hear all my pitiful 
woes and vexations and frustrations.
She in turn sent me to have an lumbar MRI done because no one had ever taken 
the time to do that and she also sent me to see a neuro psychologist.
The MRI report did not say anything about swelling or anything about TM. It 
said it a nut shale 1. I have mild degenerative disc disease - which also 
showed up in the cervical and thorax as well since 05 2. I had decreased or 
narrowing of the spinal cord, 3. I had increased signal from several points 
from L5 to S1 - which someone said indicated inflammation.
My neuro/muscular phy therapist said that none of that would cause me to stop 
walking or peeing and that he believed that the loss of muscle in my gluts, 
hams, gastro quads, isolats ect was causing me to use my back muscle to 
compensate and that was pulling on my spine and causing pain. 
But the thing that really motivated me to write this frustration and vexation 
is what the neuropsych wrote.
The one good thing that came out of my meeting with him, besides the fact that 
I'll never have to see that ass again, was the fact that at least I showed high 
intelligence in language comprehension and a capncity for learning new things. 
I would certainly hope so. I have 4 degrees and I'm finishing up my doctorate.
My scores for verbal and visual attention, mental concentration, short term and 
long term recall was terribly poor. He noted a decline in motor strength and 
speed on my right side and probably with logical analysis and sequential 
On some of the test, I scored as low as a 2th, 9th and 12th percentile. All of 
that information bothered me significantly.
On my general intellect and learning capacity I had scores ranging from the 
82th to 91th percentile.
But what really upset me was his written comments that I am "probably 
experiencing severe personality deterioration ... likely to have problems with 
intense anxiety, somatic distress, agitation, and anger ... and problems cause 
by general ineffectiveness in dealing with life."
What really made me "anger" is that he wrote that I am "likely to demand much 
attention for (my) somatic complaints, which may have a distinctly bizarre 
flavor ... views his physical health is failing .. reports numerous somatic 
concerns ... feels that life is no longer worthwhile and that he is losing 
control of his thought processes."
The mother comment of them all was, "he tends to manipulate other by developing 
physical symptoms."
I really have just about had it! 
I've gone for three years and have complained hardly to anyone. Since I've been 
a member of this little email circle, I have rarely even sent out an email! For 
someone to tell me that all this pain, mobility, and this noticeable problem 
that I've been having with remember things is all just in MY HEAD and that it 
is manifesting just for the sole purpose of manipulating others and trying to 
gain attention just has REALLY FLOORED ME!
All I have ever wanted was to get better and get COMPLETELY over this and go on 
with life!
I've told all my doctors that I believe that I have gotten better, that I am 
GETTING better and I just want to get PERFECTLY better. Yet now I feel like an 
He asked me why I didn't go out and socialize more often - - - well, DUHHH, it 
doesn't really take a rocket scientists to figure that out! Yet he took it to 
be an illustration of my "interpersonal relationship" problems which are 
"probably disturbed."
Ok - so this was a rather lengthy letter but I'm just really irate!
Has anyone experienced anything like this before? 
Am I really just crazy!?
Did my subconscious tell my feet to suddenly stop working, then my lower legs, 
then my waist and then my lower half of my body? Did stop peeing and get a 
fever of over 104 several times because I wanted attention? 
I had a IQ reading of 139 when I was in 10th grade. I graduated from college 
with a B.A. in history and minor in laboratory biology. I took an average of 21 
credit hours non stop for three years. I took classes such as histology, 
hematology, physiology, while simultaneously studying French, German, Latin, as 
well as tons of courses in History. I went to France when I was 21 and studied 
in Nice - in French. I moved to Russia and lived there for three years and 
taught English. I learned Russian. I went back to the states and studied Greek 
and spent a year in theology school. I got a M.S. in Education followed by a 
M.A. in History followed by a Specialist degree in Education and then bamm
my world stopped. I suddenly couldn't remember how to get to work without 
calling and asking the secretary to direct me to school. I would sometimes 
still get lost, disoriented and confussed. I suddenly can't make change with 
money. I suddenly can't deal well with basic fractions and have to stop to 
remember names, places, times, faces, important events, how to file, how to 
find my keys, remember when to pay bills. 
My employeers noticed it. I went for 3 to 4 years teaching with excellent marks 
and suddenly I get one repremand after another for missing deadlines, being 
"lacidasical in meetings," unable to follow directions, moodly and iritable, 
In the past year, it seems to all be improving, at least in many areas. Yet the 
test results show that I have a significant cognition deficit. 

I went from being able to study for test for a short period of time and pass 
with A's and B's to suddenly finding it incredibly difficult to perform well at 
all and very fatigued when I try to think things through.
How can such a dramatic change in personality and cognition suddenly happen and 
it just be because I want attention? 
Is it really just me? Am I alone in these feelings and experiences? Or should I 
just call up a psycologist and check myself in for a few months or years?

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