Hi Cookie, 
Lyrica has been great for me. I had good luck with gabapentin (neurontin) but 
had to take about a pound of capsules a day. With Lyrica the pain relief is at 
least as good if not better and until the day comes that they let me smoke 
marijuana in my office I'll stick with the Lyrica.
I also find there are very minimal, if any side effects. All in all...I highly 
recommend giving it a try. It is not a cure...but it makes my life a lot easier.
Best wishes and good luck, 
in NS

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 22:12:11 
-0700Subject: [TMIC] lyrica

My doctor and I have discussed Lyrica for my diabetic neuropathy.  I think I 
will try it.  Those of you who have used this medication for TM—tell me, 
please, is it helpful for TM, also?  Will I be helping two problems???
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