This is gotta be short and sweet cause I'm just to tired. I . Doing better and 
I really appreciated the visit from Cozzy. Thanks for the prayers and well 

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-----Original Message-----
From: Cossy Hough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 16:55:26 
To:TM mailing list <>
Subject: [TMIC] Cody Update

Hi all-
I stopped by and saw Cody and Judy at the hospital
today. They finally got blood work results back today
and the docs figured out the types of infections he
has. He started new antibiotics today. His kidney
function has improved and Judy says he's better today
than yesterday. He's sleeping alot but seemed to be in
good spirits when he woke for a few minutes while I
was there.

I let him know how concerned everyone is and that
folks are praying for him.

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