Thanks for all of your responses.  There were too many to  answer separately, 
so am sending one mass email, and hope nobody is offended by  not getting a 
personal one.  I think there may be some others who may be  interested in this 
info as well.  
I am sorry but I should have said that I needed the  cushion not for 
wheelchair sitting, but for computer or other chair  sitting.  When I sit for 
length of time, my back and buttocks become  very sore.  Although I don't see 
it should bother my buttocks as I have  plenty of padding there :( , it does!  
I  have a foam cushion for  my wheelchair that I use for distance or if my 
body is very tired and it doesn't  seem to give me the pain issues.  I also had 
a foam  cushion like the one that I showed the link to,  which was fine while 
it  lasted, but kind of broke up fairly quickly.  One of those TV  purchases, 
it had a handle on it and it was on a slant, but the same  configuration as 
this.  I saw this and  figured this may be a good  solution for others as well. 
This cushion can be useful for anyone who  does a lot of sitting.
As always, this group is a great resource of information and  it's great that 
we can bounce things off each other like this.
Hugs to all, Barbara A

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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