  My neurogolist told me that the only thing that wouldn't return is my 
temperature con-
  trol....  He was correct..............I sweat from my breasts up.....I was 
paralyzed at the t-8, I was a complete........I freeze in the winter, cause I 
also have the freeze burning in my legs, 24/7........and in the summer, I have 
to watch and not stay out in the heat very long cause I could have a heat 
stroke...I "sweat" profusely!!.
Maybe this help with your question......janh
       I am affected a the T4-T5 level also,but I don't sweat on one side of my 
face since getting tm. I also only blush on one side. No one has ever been able 
to explain it.
      Cheryl in cold,cloudy Easthampton,Mass.
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