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Hi Jeanne,
       I am so glad to know I am not the only  one with these red blotches!  
It is a relief in a way, just to know  that.  I am going to compile a list of 
the small changes that happened in  the beginning and throughout this 5 and a 
half year journey.  I believe we  can help each other and hopefully other 
victims.  Maybe others can do the  same.
     I posted a question last week regarding vitamins,  supplements, and 
alternative medicine last week.  One person had  suggested fish oil for leg 
cramps.  My cousin who is an RN also suggested  this.  I have been taking it 
for a 
few weeks and have not had one spasm or  cramp at night. WORKS FOR ME!  I was 
also having a lot of irregular heart  beats in the past few months, a little 
scary.  I have been taking Vitamin E  and within  two weeks that has stopped 
completely.  My doctor is a  good person, but has not walked in my shoes.  I 
there was a doctor who  had the TM experience.  Lets keep this going.
 Linda in Pa

**************Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 

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