Barbara has a point....I remember when i was in CCU, during the night hours 
when no family was allowed....that was the most scariest for me...I remember 
crying for hours cuz i needed my trache (sp?) suctioned cuz i was having a 
difficult time taking air in  but the nurses would just stare and walk away...i 
would try to tell people but then the nurses would cover for each other and say 
its the medications hes one is forcing these people to become 
nurses...where not in the hospital because we committed a crime we are in there 
because we need two cents...All prayers go out to JUDE and TM 
family...GET WELL SOON!!!!!! take care SaL 
      Patti and Pam,
  Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on our Jude.  After reading what 
you have both written, it seems that there may still be some hope for Jude to 
make it through this.  I know I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
  It still amazes me how people who are there to care for those in need DO NOT 
DO THEIR JOBS!!  Or, do not do them properly.  You hear about it all the time 
on the news or in magazines.  Boy, this really hits home for us though.  We now 
know first hand why so many that go into the skilled nursing facilities do not 
ever make it back home again.  Lack of proper care runs rampant.
  This is really a wake-up call for all of us.  We have got to really keep the 
eyes open if any of us, or anyone that we care about is ever put into the 
situation of needing some care like this.  
  Be well everyone, and hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn, CA

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