My gosh, Mary...what wonderful information!  Not just for Akua but for all
of us!  Thank you!  j 
-------Original Message-------
From: mary thompson
Date: 3/26/2008 8:10:38 PM
To: 'Akua';
Subject: RE: [TMIC] how to travel?
Airlines: request a special seat - usually they put you in the
bulkhead seats.  I prefer the rearmost seats so I can get dragged to
the restroom without the entire plane seeing me.  The airline will
either check your wheelchair if it is a power chair - and transfer
you to one of their chairs until you get to the gate, there they
will put you into a narrow chair to get you through the narrow
airplane aisles to your seat.  If you are in a manual chair they
will let you stay in your chair up to the plane gate and switch you
over to the narrow chair to get into the plane.  Make sure you have
your batteries labeled as sealed and the controls labeled.  Keep
loose items with you.  You are allowed to take components (legs,
charger, etc.) onto the plane with you although the attendants will
put them in a closet.  You are not limited to one carry-on as far as
that is concerned - at least by law.  EDUCATE yourself first so you
know your rights - you can email to this list therefore you can use
Google to look up information.
Hotels: request a wheelchair accessible room.  It will be set up so
you can use the room and bathroom safely.  In the US most motels and
hotels have these rooms, availability is the issue, so ask all the
questions you can and ask to speak to a manager if you don't get
satisfaction otherwise.
Transportation:  Google wheelchair accessible transportation for the
area you are going to such as: "wheelchair accessible transportation
Baltimore" and this will assist you in different options.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Akua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 8:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: [TMIC] how to travel?
> I've got to figure out how to travel.
> Are there special hotels for paraplegics?
> How do people in wheelchairs get on and off planes?
> I am in torment because my daddy just died and
> I will miss the funeral.
> I recently moved from another city back to my newly rehabbe house
> but it was  excruciating. I planned what to eat and when and when
to drink
> for days before, paid hundreds of dollars for the van for a mere
> 90 minute drive... etc...
> Akua
> --

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