Need a little help! After more than 10 years I started having
new symptoms in my left (the good one) leg. My left leg has always had
pins & needles...but this weekend I had the burning (freezing) sensation
and although it has not gotten has not gone back to what I
call normal. I have e mailed Dr. Kerr and hopefully he will supply some
in sight. I also want to thank members on the list who have given me
names of Nerros in New Jersey that they use and are happy with...I will
contact at least one of them. In all honesty I am somewhat afraid! I
thought I have been dealing with TM in as positive way as is possible. I
just don't know if I could handle another episode especially if It
requires hospitalization. 
        I know all of us do not have one day that is exactly the same as
the previous one...but have any of you experienced new feelings (good or
bad) that was not a result of a relapse? If this continues I doubt if I
can continue working as the discomfort does not allow me to concentrate
on my work. I can only focus on the new feeling of burning!
        Thank you for any insight you can provide.

Rob in New Jersey

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