Your e-mails always make me laugh, Frank!!

These are some things to ask Dr. Kerr in Seattle.  Your 'cinching' situation
is interesting.  I wonder 'why now' and what are your new symptoms?

-------Original Message-------
Date: 3/31/2008 8:59:09 AM
To: Robert Pall;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] queston
I was afflicted with TM in 2000. Recently I began having new symptoms and
increased pain during the "Medication Valleys". I went for an MRI which
showed a cinching in at the level of my lesion (C5).  The demyelination was
followed by scarring, and the scarring contracted causing the indentation
around the spinal cord.  This took eight years to occure as the previous
yearly MRI's didn't shown any cinching.
Now the question is does someone operate??  I think Not!!
JOKE:  Descartes was having coffee at a cafe in Paris.  The waiter asked if
Descartes would like another refill.  "I think not."
And with that Descartes disappeared !!


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