Even though I never lost my ability to walk,barely, I was so exhausted for  
the first 3 or 4 months.  I spent more time sleeping than awake.   After doing 
any task, I would have to lay down.  Six months later I went  back to work.  I 
was unable to do my old job so they put me in an  office.  I tried working 5 
days a week 5 hours a day.  By week 3 I was  so wiped out, I could not get out 
of bed.  I was ready to throw in the  towel, but my boss said he would work 
with me and we set up a 3 day  schedule.  It worked out pretty good.  I work 
for a major retailer and  I have to say, they have been very good to me.  I am 
If it were not for the Johns Hopkins website and this group I would not  have 
known anything about TM.  I no longer feel like I am shipwrecked on a  
deserted island.  I thank Jim and all involved in their dedication to  helping 
                                                              Linda in Pa
                                                             TM  since August 

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