Barbara,Are you wheelchair bound? My TM is from the waist down and I use a
walker to get around and I believe I have recovered some of the use of my
legs. At first I was completely paralyzed from the waist down? Do you ever
take vicodin for the pain.
My doctor has given me some and it does help but I am very careful not to
over do it.  I too had to quit work I just could not concentrate. This list
has truly been a life saver. I also was told to stay out of the any type of
 list... of course this is from people who mean well but have absolutely no
idea of what we have been thru. I hope you find some relief for your pain at
Take care
In Virginia where the sun has finally decided to shine!

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 6:02 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Jeanne,
> Your comment was very nice, but I mean it from the heart.  When I first got
> my TM my family told me to please, not to go onto the TM website for the
> time being.  That the info on the site was not optimistic and the people on
> the TMIC even had some pretty poor outcomes.  I made this promise, and I
> only did therapy and listened to my doctors.  When I first came into the
> TMIC I lingered for a few weeks.  It was hard to hear about some of the
> stories, as I was starting to get a decent recovery.  From paralysis from
> waist to toes, I had begun walking with a walker, so that was looking ok for
> me at that point, and hopefully more to come.
> TMIC really made me feel a part of a community and not alone with this
> crappy TM.  I didn't know anyone else who had TM, so this was my only
> contact with anyone who had my kind of limitations who could help to teach
> me how to deal with all of it.  Mentally, I thought I was ok, but I wasn't.
> I didn't think I needed anti-depressants, but I did.  I thought if I could
> get back to work all would be ok with me, so that's where my emphasis was.
> I pushed myself to go back to work, although there were a few on TMIC who
> tried to encourage me not to.  I didn't have the energy to do it, and really
> didn't have the energy to do work and therapy, so my therapy suffered.  That
> wasn't the brightest thing I could have done.  I was a terrible employee,
> but my boss was so wonderful, allowing me to work when I could, at the
> office and at home.  It took me at least 2x as long to accomplish a task as
> it used to, as I didn't have the concentration to handle things properly.
> It took me to totally crash to realize that I couldn't do my therapy and
> work.  In order to mentally handle it, I finally admitted to myself that I
> wasn't going to wake up one morning and not have TM, so I called my doc and
> quit working and went on a disability leave of absence once again, this time
> for good.  I went on anti-depressants that same day.
> This was almost 9 years ago, and for all that time I have gotten support
> from TMIC.  I don't know that I could have gotten through all of this
> without all of you.
> Big hugs, Barbara A
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