Hi, Krissy...I'm not a doctor nor have the answers only to let you know that
I, too, have times when I feel like there are relapses.  They are usually
when I am extra tired, sat too long, or have done too much.  After a good
rest, it always seems to be better. It is scary to think we are having a
relapse.  It's so sad that the health care costs are where we cannot afford
to get the help when we need it, if only for peace of mind.

I also wanted you to know that my TM anniversary was yesterday!!!

Please take care and know our thoughts and prayers are with you. 

Jeanne in Dayton
-------Original Message-------
From: Krissy Z
Date: 5/22/2008 10:17:39 AM
To: TM List
Subject: [TMIC] relapse?
I swear it feels like I am getting worse......my right leg the past 2 or 3
days has been numb and feeling *asleep* , just like the very first day 3
years ago. My *anniversary* of getting this autoimmune disorder was
yesterday.....3 years now....my leg started to feel *numb* at the foot and
has progressed to right below my knee. My other foot also feels a little
numb, but not too bad. I am scared. I know if I call the neuro, he will
order mri's. (of which I cannot afford right now....our insurance has a huge
deductible and we would almost end up paying the whole thing....which would
be $3000-$4000! )...I know sometimes you can have recurrences with TM...I
guess I just didnt expert it.
I'm afraid to call neuro.  I'm afraid of results. I HOPE its just the
weather...but I somehow I dont think so.
It's  not affecting my walking it just feels asleep and sorta numb.


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