When I went in to the ER early in the morning, Janet, they just left me
laying as the paralysis moved it's way up my body and just shrugged their
shoulders saying, "Oh, you just worked too hard and pinched a nerve."  Later
in the afternoon my daughter asked me if I had to go to the bathroom and I
told her I couldn't tell.  She was the one that asked them to please cath me
since I hadn't gone all day.  Oh, the stories each of us could tell.
Jeanne in Dayton
-------Original Message-------
From: Janet Dunn
Date: 6/5/2008 9:27:00 AM
To: 'tmic'
Subject: [TMIC] age related tm
Hi to all
I was 42 when my legs went numb.  Thought I had a pinched nerve.  Hah.
Janet in BC



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