I did not start the Transverse Myelitis Association (TMA). It was started by Deanne Gilmur. Deanne's daughter was diagnosed with transverse myelitis when she was eighteen months old. Deanne started the Transverse Myelitis Association in 1994.

I started the Transverse Myelitis Internet Club (TMIC) in 1996. I also had a web page at http://www.eskimo.com/~jlubin/disabled/myelitis.html that I put up in 1994 with whatever information I found. If you want to see the original page it is at http://www.eskimo.com/~jlubin/disabled/myelitis_old.htm

I started a web site for the TMA in 1997 on one of my AOL sub-accounts at http://members.aol.com/tmassocwa .I also joined the TMA as an board member of the non-profit organization at that time.

In 1998 the TMA obtained the Internet domain address myelitis.org. At that point I transferred the TMIC and web site from my personal accounts to the TMA.

At 05:01 PM 6/7/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
TMA supports Doug through Symposiums, and education. IDC supports Doug for research to end this mess. I guess I shoulda explained this better.

For some of the new comers and persons like myself who might need reminding, or never knew the difference...Gunny began the IDC (International Disability Coalition} and Jim Lubin started the TMA.

These are two separate forces with the same end in mind for we TM victims and we ought to be thankful they are both out there giving our world a hand up, lift us up and keep us noticed. One of these days things are going to change for the better

Peace and Prayers,

Jim Lubin
disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.org

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