Hi to everyone -
 to those who know Jude well and to those who wonder who she is:

Three days ago (Tuesday) I answered the phone and was shocked to here, "Hi 
Patti, it's Judy, Judy Hoops."  I was stuttering and dumbfounded.  (We don't 
have caller id.)  Jude's voice was as clear as any healthy person's.  Her voice 
didn't have any signs of pain or the raspiness of a person who has been on a 
vent.  She laughed and teased, because of my surprise.  I had the biggest smile 
and could hear her smile while we talked for almost 30 minutes.  Jude had a 
higher dosage pain patch and said she felt the best she had in a long time.  
She also had a new bed that I'm unable to give the medical name, but Jude 
discribed it as having sand, water and beads. She said she was very comfortable 
and was able to lay against her pressure wound without aggravating it.  
We talked a lot about the prayers from the group.  She finds it hard to believe 
that so many people care this much for her.  In her own words - she said she 
has "low self-esteem."  I told her I'd help her check the archives to see for 
We decided that I wouldn't write to the group and tell how much better she was 
doing, because she wanted to do it herself and surprise everyone.  She thought 
she would be on the computer the next day and would thank all of you for your 
prayers and concern.  
She said I couldn't visit her on Wednesday, because she had an appointment with 
the wound specialist so we made a date for Thursday.  Our conversation ended 
when someone came for a visit.  I was so excited about Jude's phone call that I 
called my Mom and daughter to share the good news.  
I got another surprise when I went to the nursing home to visit Jude yesterday. 
 First, I was excited to see that she was in a semi private room.  (No more 
I was glad to see she wasn't in her bed.  That meant she was in her wheelchair 
and I would get to see her interacting with others.  My excitement bubble broke 
when I learned that Jude was transported back to the hospital the night before 
due to her blood pressure.  It felt like long walk back to my car.
I called Jude's husband later in the afternoon.  Dave said Jude was being moved 
from CCU to ICU at that time.  He said she is not doing well.  He agreed that 
she was feeling much better on Tueday. I didn't keep him on the phone so I have 
nothing to share about her current condition.
I'm writing this to share that Jude had a few good days and one real good day!
I don't know what her future holds, but I'm so glad she surprised me with her 
telephone call.  I think she would have called every one of you if she had the 
time and phone numbers.  She was really looking forward to surprising you with 
her post.  She loves you all.
Continuing to pray for Jude,
Patti - Michigan

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