Although I am not sure if your doctor has more in mind or not, the Neti Pot is 
great.  I have allergy induced asthma, and hate to take meds year around when I 
already take so much with my meds for my TM, so I only take my asthma stuff 
when needed.  I am a proud Neti Pot user, and actually have gotten many to use 
it as well.  We get a lot of pollen from our oak tree, and it seems to sit in 
my nose and throat and work it's way up into my sinuses.  The Neti works so 
well, and you get some immediate relief.  Even with a sinus infection, you get 
some relief right away.  I don't know of any medication that will give you 
that.  I highly recommend it, and hope it'll help you.  

GL and Hugs, Barbara A

In a message dated 09/15/08 08:42:56 Pacific Daylight Time, LinLeftwi writes:
In February I had my yearly MRI and it showed severe sinus problems.  
Everything is blocked.  The ENT put me on Prednisone and an antibiotic.  It 
cleared up, but this summer I am having a lot of problems again.  I  am back on 
the same regimen again.  My family Doc said something about getting the sinuses 
irrigated.  I had some tests done last week and am waiting to hear from him.  I 
get worried because I was having a lot of sinus problems when I first got hit 
with TM 6 years ago.  Over 5 years my sinuses were fine, now all of a sudden 
here I go again.  I need to find out why.  Just a little frustrated.

Linda in Pa

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