I wasn't fond of the neuro. I should have tried to get back into with Hormez. I 
don't think I'll ever go back to Piedmont for anything. I was an awefull, 
awefull expereince. 
The good news was that the MRI showed nothing wrong with my brain.
The not good news was that my trigimnal nerve was inflamed but i couldn't 
understand if the neuro was saying that this WAS trigiminal neurolgia or not??? 
- He said both?? - what does that mean? It either is or it isn't.
He said that trigeminal neurolgia was a symptom of a problem and that it could 
not be treated but only the pain could be managed. He said that the gabapentin 
would help but in time, it will not work and I willl just have to increase the 
He said that I had to find the CAUSE of the problem. 
He believed that the cause had something to do with my ear but that he was not 
an ear specialist. But the ear specialist SENT me.
He also said that it could be TMJ but I don't know what that has to do with an 
inflamed nerve in my brain and face.
So, here I am, still in pain with no answers.
The vertigo is still there - worse than ever. He said that that had to be an 
inner ear problem.
So now, I am trying to find a denist/oral surgeon/TMJ specialist AND back to my 
ear doctor?? 
I feel so lost. 


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