Hormes says that my brain stem was demylenating and I'm back in the hospital. 
Tomorrow they will do a lumbar puncture and several specific test and start me 
on steriods and other stuf. Hormes is the guy that got me back on my feet when 
I lost my right leg in 2006 so he believes that he can stop this problem and 
get it all fixed. If it keeps going, I 'm at great risk of loosing more than 
hearing in my right ear and terrible facial pain - there are already electric 
shocks going down my leg and making my feet feel like i'm standing on an 
electric grid but those are rare. The gabapentin really made a BIG difference 
with the pain but i still keep getting facial funny feelings and in my hands 
ect - and the vertigo is still horrible enough to cause me to loose my balance. 
I think after the hospital I should be ok --- surely surely this will be fixed 
and go away and I can get back to life ??? what do you all think?/??  


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