G'day Sandy,

What great news about Terry!!!!!!!!!  I know how happy you both must be about 

I was paralysed from my chest to toes at the onset but regained a small amount 
of movement quickly and gradually strengthened over a period of three months.  
When I left hospital (after 5 days I had had enough and checked myself out), 
the wonderful young intern, Cheryl Syms, gave me these words of advice "Walk, 
Gilly, just walk, as much and as often as you can."  That's what I did until 
the point of absolute exhaustion, which didn't take much I can tell you.

Into my 8th year, no one would ever say I had a stylish walk but I walk.  I 
don't do any other physio and I work out everything for myself.  I use a stick 
always and usually about the farm my fave aid is a tree branch, it really is 
the most comfortable of all the options.

So, Sandy, from my experience, I would say to Terry, "Walk, Terry, just walk."

big hugs

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