Anybody else been there?Hi Rob,
Since my husband has become more involved in attending our TMA symposia, and 
has attended a few of the support group meetings in other states, he has become 
MUCH more enlightened!  I can recall when he used to actually accuse me of 
taking "illicit" drugs, because I walked around like a drunk all the time.  Now 
he has seen hundreds of people walking and acting like I do, he has shared 
experiences with other caregivers, and he is so much more understanding of how 
I am living.  He actually appreciates me more and appreciates all that I do 

I highly recommend that a caregiver attend the support group meetings, as they 
get just as much out of them as we do!
Take care, thank you so much for all that you are doing.

As far as your wife goes, there are many good throat lozenges on the market for 
her sore throat, and gargling with salt water is a great reliever.  Even a 
saline nose spray helps clear out the sinus passages.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Pall 
  To: tmic 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 6:59 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Anybody else been there?

          My wife has been sick for around 5 days with a sore throat/cough (she 
is getting better). Anyway she asks me last night if I ever recall her feeling 
bad this long..what I should have answered was "no".which is true..but instead 
I answered "imagine how it feels to be sick for more than 11 years".her reply 
was "why does it always have to be about you?".I apologized and just answered 
her question with a resounding NO!

          The point of this story is to show that even the people closest to us 
really have no idea how TM effects our daily life. How even the easiest things 
are now hard.and for the most part I (we) complain rarely and just go about our 
day dealing with our condition to the best of our ability.

          When we had the NJ TM support group on 11/2 I requested that the 
TM'rs bring their spouses or parents..hoping hearing from others would 
enlighten them in dealing with us. I would never wish TM on anyone (well maybe 
Bin Laden) but if our friends and loved ones could feel how we feel for just 5 
minutes then they would be able to better relate. This will not happen and that 
is why this list and support groups are so important. We have a forum where we 
can discuss our TM related problems to people who truly understand!

          Just my thought for the day! 

  Rob in New Jersey 

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