I am rather new at this, but the thing I HATE the most is when I talk to a
friend I just talked to a  week or so

ago and they want to know how much I have improved.  I keep telling them it
will be a long process and yes I see an small improvement in  strength.
They can't seem to understand that, no, I still need my walker and may
always need it.  I almost wish they won't call so often.  My husband and
daughters understand and I say "Thank God" for them.


Patti in Wisconsin



From: Gillian Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 6:09 PM
To: TM list
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Anybody else been there?


Ahhh Rob, I hear you, as they say in the classics!  I feel it so hard to be
empathetic these days when someone (usually Trev) complains of "minor"
ailments.  I also get people coming to me to explain all their woes and I'm
just so over it!


I have noticed that those who complain a lot get so much sympathy, while
those of us who just go about their life with as little complaint as
possible just get no understanding at all.  A lot of lip service, but when
it gets down to the nitty gritty really people just have no idea and it's
really hard when it's those who are closest to us.


While knowing how hard it is for our partners, it just doesn't really make
it easier does it?


Like Jeanne said Rob, all we can do is keep on keeping on.  Or, you can
always look on it as character building :-))!



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Robert Pall <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

To: tmic <mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com>  

Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:29 AM

Subject: [TMIC] Anybody else been there?


        My wife has been sick for around 5 days with a sore throat/cough
(she is getting better). Anyway she asks me last night if I ever recall her
feeling bad this long..what I should have answered was "no".which is
true..but instead I answered "imagine how it feels to be sick for more than
11 years".her reply was "why does it always have to be about you?".I
apologized and just answered her question with a resounding NO!

        The point of this story is to show that even the people closest to
us really have no idea how TM effects our daily life. How even the easiest
things are now hard.and for the most part I (we) complain rarely and just go
about our day dealing with our condition to the best of our ability.

        When we had the NJ TM support group on 11/2 I requested that the
TM'rs bring their spouses or parents..hoping hearing from others would
enlighten them in dealing with us. I would never wish TM on anyone (well
maybe Bin Laden) but if our friends and loved ones could feel how we feel
for just 5 minutes then they would be able to better relate. This will not
happen and that is why this list and support groups are so important. We
have a forum where we can discuss our TM related problems to people who
truly understand!

        Just my thought for the day! 

Rob in New Jersey 

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