I'm not a Soc Sec expert, however, This is what I know:

It took me 18 months from the time I filed until I was approved for Sos Sec 
Disability Income and have been on it for 3.5 years.  

I have a "right to Work Ticket" that allows to attend school or seek training 
for employment or to work. However, my gross income MUST be under $800 per 
month or my SSDI will stop. 

My five year TM anniversary was in November and in October I received a 
Disability Update Report that asked five questions.  Last week I received a 
letter from Soc Sec that said no further determination was needed at this time 
and my benefits would continue.  
The questions were regarding the past two years I just required an "x" by the 
correct answer:
1.have you worked for someone or been self-employed?  yes or no (list if yes)
2.have you attended any school or work training program?  yes or no
3. my doctor and I have not discussed whether I can return to work (or) my 
doctor told me I cannot work (or) my doctor told me I can work
4. which best describes your health - Better, Same, Worse
5. have you gone to a docttor or clinic for treatment? yes or no (List if yes) 

Some of your questions regaring SSDI and spousal income can be answered from 
your annual Soc Sec letter,
My SSDI amount was listed in my annual Social Security letter titled "Your 
Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement". Of course, I never thought I 
would ever be disabled when I started receiving these statements years ago.  
The form reads:
Retirement Benefits - If you worked at your present rate to full retirement age 
of 66 your retirement benefit would be: $ x,xx5
If you become disabled right now, you need 31 credits to qualify for disability 
benefits.  Of these, 20 had to be earned in the last 10 years.  Your record 
shows you have earned enough credits in the right time:  Right now your 
disability benefits would be about: $x,xx0   (five dollars less than above)

"If you get retirement or disability benefits your spouse or family may qualify 
for survivor benefits.  If you die this year, you need 31 credits for your 
spouse to get benefits.....................(Several lines depending if their 
are children involved)...........
When your spouse reaches full retirement age (66) $ x,x10 (wow,$10 more)
There is another page that explains family and spousal benefits at younger ages 
if you retire or are disabled.  

The rules about working after retirement at age 62 and up to age 65 or 66 is 
different than the income for SSDI.

Call 1-800-537-7005 to request a statement.

I hope this helps.  I planned on working another tens years at the time TM hit 
me.  I pulled the statement out of the file soon after I came home from the 
hospital to see if we could survive on my loss of employment.  I'm happy to say 
we are doing fine.

Patti - Michigan

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