
I am so thrilled to see that someone has the ear of the PE Obama.  

One thing that I can think of immediately is the Stem Cell Research - more 
money for funding.

Also, I do know that Insurance Companies are a big problem - not only the 
health insurance co. but also the Long Term Disability (LTD which I call "Long 
as They Determine) insurance companies especially those dealing with group 
insurances offered through employers.

ERSIA laws protect the insurance companies and the employers.  LTD benefits can 
be halted by the insurance companies with just a wave of their hand.  Last 
July, my group LTD company sent me a partial check - 3 days for July.  No 
letter just the check.  When I called, I was informed that the LTD company 
believed that I could work "in this day of economy and technology".  When I 
asked who had determined this, the rep first stated "their board".  When I 
asked whom I could contact, the rep. stated it was really their doctor. When I 
asked for his name and credentials, the rep. said it was really based on my 
doctor's statement in March.  When I asked for the name of their doctor, the 
rep. said that it really was my doctor.  I insisted on a name because I have 
several doctors, the rep stated that it was my doctor who they, the insurance 
co., had sent a letter and questionair to in March.  The rep. stated that I 
would be getting a letter shortly to inform me of the ruling from the insurance 
company - the letter arrived at the end of July almost 4 weeks later.  
So, I received 3 different answers from the rep in 5 minutes, or less, but 
nothing concrete.  I did check with my doctors and my neuro stated that he had 
recieved the questionair.  With my next check-up, my neuro showed me the 
questonair - it had simple questions - can patient sit, stand, walk, drive, 
lift 5#, lift 10#, lift 20#.  After each question were 2 boxes - YES or NO - 
but nothing else!
I now have hired a lawyer to fight the ruling of the insurance co.  I am 
luckier than most because I worked for the county government, the lawyer fees 
can be charged to the insurance co.  But if I hadn't worked for the government, 
lawyer fees would be deducted from the LTD amount.

When the LTD company quit paying, my income was reduced by half.  I had an 
option of me paying extra so that I would receive 2/3 of my salary if I ever 
needed LTD.  I never received a "policy" from the group LTD company but the 
employee handbook stated that I would receive the payments until age 66 or 
until I was able to go back to work. Nothing in the handbook stated anything 
about SSDI being deducted and NEVER was there anything about the insurance co. 
being able to determine who, when, or how benefits are determined.  Of course, 
when asked, the HR rep at the county stated that the insurance co. was VERY 
GOOD to work with and really paid unlike others - LOL.  This is the same 
insurance co. who paid a lawyer to get my SSDI within 6 weeks after applying. 

Another thing I can think of is that while I was in the hospital, I know that 
the bill contained items that I was not given.  When I contacted the insurance 
co., they said that they would check into the matter.  I never heard another 
word from the health insurance co.  I live in Naples, FL and there is an 
"agreement" with the county and the hospital.  The NCH hospital was the only 
hospital allowed in the county until 6 years or so ago.  At that time, 
Cleveland Hospital had to put up a fight to get a hospital established here.  
Cleveland hospital was sold a couple of years ago.  I'm not sure how it is now, 
but I do know that there was an agreement with NCH but not Cleveland.  Also, 
doctors who insisted to work at Cleveland were banned from NCH for many years.

1.  Stem Cell Research VERY IMPORTANT
2.  ERSIA laws changed to protect the employees and insured - not only 
employers and insurance companies
3.  Unfair determinations by insurance companies -  insured need non-biased, 
informed determination boards.  Quit making the insurance companies and LAWYERS 

Candy K.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2008 9:54:31 AM (GMT-0500) America/New_York
Subject: [TMIC] your thoughts?

Dear fellow TMers,

I have been asked by Barack Obama to give input to Tom Daschle concerning 
Health Care Reform. I in-turn am asking the smartest of my family, friends and 
acquaintances to give me input.

If you have time, please email me your thoughts.  There is no rush.  I realize 
that this is a very busy time of the year, so ponder ways to change the current 
system, or better yet dream of the "perfect" health care. And email me after 
the holidays.  This is not a paid position, so it should not be a top priority, 
and if you don't have the time, or don't care, that's ok too.

I find myself in this position due to donating to the Obama campaign, then 
answering a boiler plate email asking for suggestions.

take care,


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