
Thank you for your kind words and advice. 

I have hired a lawyer to handle the case.  I worked for the county government 
and ERISA laws don't apply to government employees so I will be able to sue the 
company for her fees which under ERISA you can't do. 

I know that I will win eventually.  I hae gone through the small savings I had, 
maxed out 2 credit cards and now, when the stock market is down 60%, I 
sell stocks from time to time.  I talked to my lawyer and she said that we 
could bring a civil suit against the LTD compnay for the total amount that I 
have lost as well as mental and physcial anquish.  SO guess what, they should 
have continued to pay me because they have really ticked me off!  Too many 
companies do this and it is not humanly nor morally correct. 

Yes, I know there are people that take advantage of insurance companies but 
those people that really need LTD should not be punished - aren't we suppose to 
be innocent untl proven quilty - OH THAT"S FOR THE RICH - I keep forgetting 

What really gets me is the way the insurance company went around everything and 
basically tricked me and my neuro - there should be laws against that.  I 
always thought that ERSIA was suppose to protect employees BUT in reality ERSIA 
protects employers and insurance companies and allow lawyers to make more 

I don't know if you noticed but I really get upset regarding this problem.  I 
thought before TM that I was doing everything correct financially to protect my 
future but I didn't count on insurance companies bucking their 

I know that I am so much luckier than most.  I do have a home that's paid for 
along with an older car that's paid for.  But there's the doctor bills, meds, 
food, electricity, taxes, insurance and everything else adds up to greater 
dollars than SSDI. I'm in the class that I'm too well off to get help and yet 
not enough to make ends meet - a rock and a hard place that seems to be our 
life!  I just hope that Obama can help us all in ways that we can only dream 

Thank you for letting me boil over!   Everytime I think about this, I get upset 
and I know that I shouldn't because all it does is harm me!  Since July, I've 
had more attacks of spasms, headaches, and more pain.  I know it is because of 
the stress!   

I need to follow my advice - let go let God!  Some days its easier than others. 

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly!  
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably .  
And never regret anything that made you smile. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, December 8, 2008 12:15:39 AM (GMT-0500) America/New_York 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] your thoughts? 

Hi Candi, 
    I wish you the best of luck with your LTD hearing.  You have a right to all 
the paperwork out of your file at the insurance co. and should order it if you 
do not already have it.  The insurance companies have no conscience at all.  
Their job is to get people off the disability roles, and I understand that they 
need to get the ones off that aren't really disabled, but not the ones that 
    My LTD provider (Prudential) did the same as yours regarding sending a 
letter to my doctor requesting that he complete a form about my condition and 
what my capabilities were.  They also stated on the letter to him that I had 
been working on a part-time basis and requested the stand, sit, walk, etc. 
questions.  Now, my policy states that I am entitled to benefits if I am able 
to work on a full-time basis based on my training or what I can be trained to 
do, something like that, and on and on.  I haven't worked at all since Dec. 
2000, and they know it or they would not have been paying me. 
    This was sent to my Neuro, and all previous correspondence was sent to 
PCP.  The Neuro hadn't even asked me to come into his office for a visit before 
sending back the form to the insurance company stating that since I had been 
working part-time that I could work full-time now, after listing capabilities 
that don't match me at all.  
    In the meantime, I had gone to a Physiatrist that the insurance co. set up 
for a review of my condition.  This doc stated that I was not able to work.  
Then, since the insurance co. got the form back from my Neuro stating I could 
work full-time, they contacted their doc and asked him to reverse his decision 
and state that I could work, telling him that my doc must know my condition 
better than he does, and he did it.  I was denied my coverage at that point. 
    It took a couple of visits to the Neuro to get everything squared away with 
his paperwork and re-submitted.  It also took me requesting copies of all my 
paperwork from the insurance co. in order to have ammunition for my appeal.  
There were about 3 reams of paper worth of copies they sent me, and most were 
triplicates of my early TM years, including hospital info.  That was very 
depressing looking back at that stuff.  I had to submit 2 appeals.  They were 
tough, but I'm glad that I stuck with it and finally noticed what they did with 
the doc they hired.  That was very underhanded and let them know it was wrong 
and not proper business practice.  When I later told my husband he was really 
angry and felt we could have sued them for what they did, but I don't know.  
Especially since I may not have caught what they did, and could have possibly 
lost again and had the expense of a lawyer.  If it went to a lawyer and I would 
win, they pay the lawyer.  If I lose, I pay the lawyer. 
    This was about 3 years ago, and I just got another letter with a form for a 
doctor's statement.  I now have a new PCP and Neuro, so I hope all goes well.  
I have a HMO and the process is that I drop off the forms to the medical 
secretaries and they go back and forth to docs to be filled out, transcribed, 
approved, distributed and filed.  I sent emails to them letting them know I am 
available for questions and the trouble that I had last time.  I hope this 
works out without any snags. If we don't fight for our rights, who will do it 
for us??     

Hugs to all, Barbara A 

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