In response to:

Dear Friends,

I can't reply to everyone individually because of my hands.  Rest
assured that all of your kind replies are very meaningful to me!

Regarding neurologists, I have been to them in two states, CT and NY, at
the top hospitals.  The one that dx'd me,
would be well known to Dr. Kerr, and some on this board.   When i asked
him about Neurontin, he just
shook his head "no".  He also lost me my LTD insurance by writing down
that I could work 8 hours a day!  I then
got a lawyer to make him write a letter that he made a "mistake".  This
was the chief neurologist at one of the top
hospitals on the east coast!  But it was too late.   I just don't have the
stamina to continue searching, and I don't have a significant other to
help me.  My car has been sitting for almost 2 years
since the police, and my building, forced me to park it too far away to
get to..and the powerchair my insurance
got, (and I was told would fit in my car, a small suv), doesn't fit in
it.  I have developed tachycardia, probably
from constant stress, a scary and annoying condition.  I'm in bed most
of the time.  When my Mom was in the
nursing home, I hired a special van to take me to visit her and so I
could be at a meeting they were having to
discuss her condition.  My relatives were shocked that I was there,
because they didn't tell me about the meeting,
my Mom told me!  My family has been trying to force my Mom and me to
sign nursing home papers for years
so they can dump us.  There is much more, but that's enough of my

I can't type anymore..

Thank you all!


Kevin, I hope you know what a big, caring group of family you have in all of us. There just has to be something someone can do to help you. It's like you've been forgotten. Do you have something like we do, 'Aging and Long Term Care' where you can call and they have nurses that help you with everything. Something has just got to be done. Please keep in touch with us as much as you possibly can?


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