Dear Jude,After just reading your e-mail I surfed around on the net about
pressure sores and how serious and painful they can be. I found one site I
thought informative tho I have a feeling you know all this and are hoping
for some "new found" idea as to how to heal the pain.
As for the pain in your heart, I am so so sorry.  True family and friends
stay with you thru it all....... I reminds me of the story in the Scriptures
about the sower and the seed... some fell on rocky ground and for awhile
they were caring and joyful but... eventually the world's "glitter" got in
the way ....... but we here in the TM group we are like the "seed in the
good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good
heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance."Luke 8:15 (New
American Standard") We will always be here for you because you know that we
pray for you and all of our TM group, every day!!
May this year bring us peace, joy and perseverance!!!
Love ya

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 5:07 PM, <> wrote:

>     *Have many of you had pressure sores that have become infected and are
> extremely painful?*
> **
> *I know I only post when it's "rainy weather" but I really need some help.
> The problem is that there are two major sores, one on each butt cheek.*
> **
> *I can find no comfortable position. *
> **
> *And my family came through at Christmas time as usual...not one phone
> call, not one visitor, not one email.*
> **
> *They were angry because we didn't make it to the get together.  I told
> them I can only travel by ambulance because I am not allowed to sit at all.
> They thought it was a joke.*
> *It's not fair...*
> **
> *I love you guys.*
> *Jude*
> **
> **
> * *
> ------------------------------
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> .

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