I thought I would share today's meditation with you, as I think it speaks to 
what we're all about here on the tmic............janh 



Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 14

"It is a native tradition to sit in a circle and talk-to share what is in your 

--John Peters (Slow Turtle), WAMPANOAG 

The talking circle is also a listening circle. The talking circle allows one 
person to talk at a time for as long as they need to talk. So much can be 
gained by listening. Is it a coincidence that the Creator gave us one mouth and 
two ears? The power of the circle allows the heart to be shared with each 
other. What we share with each other also heals each other. When we talk about 
our pain in the circle, it is distributed to the circle, and we are free of the 
pain. The talking circle works because when the people form a circle, the Great 
Mystery is in the center. 
My Creator, give me the courage to share, and the courage to listen. 




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