First I would like to thank Jenna for coming to the hospital to help me today (and the visit was great)

Nero  left and good news the paralysis and stinging in my arms and hands has nothing to do with my TM. The MRI’s they did last night found 3 herniated discs on my neck that is causing spinal cord depression causing my arms and hands to go numb. He called neurosurgeon to come see me tomorrow and let me know what my options will be. So far a friend that had the same this said the least evasive is to inject steroids directly into the disc to stop the bone on bone rub and release the compression on the spinal cord this is good news!!! So this explains why after receiving the first dose of IV steroids my arms and hand improved 90% within 5 hours.

If it were TM related the damage can not be reversed!  But the herniated disc can be repaired! So YIPPIE!!!


Down side right now is with all the steroids I have not slept at ALL since I go up Wed at 6:30 am, serious best I have done is a 20 minute nap today! They gave me morphine and Ambian sleep pills tonight so hoping I get some sleep tonight! I am starting to feel like a zombie going thru the motions, getting harder to focus with sleep deprivation.


Will post what Nero-surgeon says once I hear from them tomorrow


Again thanks for the one on one email I have gotten the concern and advice mean a lot to me

What a great second family we all have in each other! Note  J


Note: to the Atlanta TM suport group if I get out of the hospital by Sunday in time for our meeting I will be there!!


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