Sunday update on Kim


Nero-surgeon just left, they have me scheduled to surgery Monday at 2:00 (figured I am already at hospital, all ready dressed for the occaison might as well go for it!) LOL


They are doing the least evasive procedure to relieve the spinal cord compression at C-7, and C-6, surgery should take about 45 minutes and I and scheduled to go home Tuesday!. So all and all had nothing to do with TM but after it’s all said and done I will still have TM, so get to stay with my TM family for now just be a little different for a few days!



Thanks again for the entire one on one support and up lifting emails; I don’t know what I would do without my extended TM family


So all is good, now let’s focus on Jude getting better! 


PS Atlanta suport group safe to assume I won't be at the meeting today!


Thanks again



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