Morning, I can not talk; my neck is so sore and hurts. Well made it thru surgery, had no clue it was going to hurt so much later. I have a drain tube coming out of my neck, once they check it they might let me go home today. Need lots of pain meds right now!!


They have these compression wraps around my legs that squeeze and release my legs from ankles to thighs. To stop blood clots and let me tell you they feel great!! Its likes having leg messages now this is something I want to take home!

They are going to set me up with some physical therapy; I have some weakness in my arms which I don't need with the wheel chair walker.


Still working on 1 to 4 hours sleep so having  a hard time with consternation and memory issues, I have to write everything down..


If all goes well I will be back to work Monday!  And will have an income to pay for all of this Yippee


So once I find out if I am going home I will pass the word on!


Thanks again for all the encourgement and prayers I can really feel the support and friendship

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