I have what may be a silly question, after reading the post about rashes  and 
hives.  Long before I was diagnosed with TM, I had the toenail fungus  that 
thickens and makes your toenails (& fingernails) turn yellow.  I  was 
embarrassed to say anything to my PCP until after TM attacked me.  Then  a 
rash appeared on my left wrist shortly before my lower extremities  went numb.  
Then the rash appeared on my lower back.  I finally got a  referral to a 
dermatologist who took one look and a scraping of my back and  wrist and said 
it was 
a fungus then gave me a prescription for Lamisil.   Been taking it for 2 
months and almost finished with it.  The whole point  of this comes down to 
question:  could this virus have caused my  immune system to turn traitor and 
attack my body?  I've had all kinds of  tests for cancer and MS which have all 
been negative (so far) and my neuro  cannot give me a cause or reason.  I've 
also read where auto accidents can  cause TM, injury to the spinal cord.  I was 
the driver when I was hit  broadside in March.  I didn't have any injuries 
except a badly bruised left  arm and a stiff and sore neck.  After both legs 
went numb in May, I had an  MRI which showed a lesion at C1-2.  In September 
lesion was gone after  months of Prednisone.  So I'm also wondering if the 
accident could have  been the beginning.  My neuro says no, but I have to  
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