> *Transverse Myelitis by definition of the term can be the result of a lot
> of different disease processes.  (Transverse--meaning across, and
> myelitis--inflammation of the spinal cord.)  I think that what most of us
> wonder about, is that unexpected idiopathic myelitis that comes out of
> nowhere.  *

> *I have relapsing NMO, and severe recurrent Transverse Myelitis is
> something that I deal with. **My Transverse Myelitis attacks,  are caused
> by damage to the Aquaporin 4 (Water channel.) of the cells, believed to be
> initiated by the NMO autoimmune antibody.  (They believe that it is a
> pathological antibody, but it has not been definitively proven by research
> yet.)  A friend of mine has an extremely rare syndrome called Cogan's, and
> he too, has suffered from Transverse Myeltis.  It's also a feature of
> ADEM.    There is not just one single cause. *

> *Gracie*
 *   *

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