> Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 11:24:32 -0700
> From:  <pjv1...@chartermi.net>
> To: tmic-l...@eskimo.org
> Subject: Update on Jude
> I have an update on Jude, however, sometimes thing move so fast with her that 
> my updates are out-dated and I don't even know it myself.  I hope Pam or Ella 
> will post if they have anything new to add. 
> I was able to visit Jude at her home for the first time on Friday the 6th.  
> My past visits have always been at the nursing home or hospital so this was 
> really a treat for both of us.  It was a beautiful sunny and Jude finally 
> felt up to a visit when I called and asked.   Ella called Jude while I was 
> there and we got to exchange a few words.  Jude was excited to get Ella's 
> call although it was cut short and she was eager to share two cards that she 
> had recently from people on the tmic.  Jude  also appreciates the emails and 
> extends her well-wishes to her TM family.  
> I should have sent my update sooner so everyone knows what her specific 
> prayer needs are.
> Jude is scheduled to have her bone surgery on March 20th, however, she has a 
> UTI so the surgery might be put on hold.  Jude's primary doctor is at a loss 
> as to what oral anitbiotic to give her for the UTI so her home care nurse is 
> seeking help elsewhere to get her started on an IV.  Jude and Dave were both 
> concerned that they were waiting too long to get the infection under control.
> Jude is anxioux about this surgery, because she doesn't know how her TM body 
> will respond to the shock of the surgery and recovery.  
> Dave is in need of hernia surgery, but is putting it off until Jude has her 
> surgery.  His red blood count is dropping and the reason has not been 
> determined. Jude is more concerned for Dave than she is for herself.  (Isn't 
> that just like her?)
> I hope Jude is still in good spirits and can get out of bed and into her 
> wheelchair soon.
> lessings to all
> Patti- Michigan

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