Jim, I am with you completely in this and the other posts you  have written 
on this issue, and I believe your words carry much weight precisely  because of 
the position you are in physically. Terri Schiavo's case horrified  me, that 
people could not discern the difference between turning off the life  support 
of someone who is brain dead vs. actively starving someone who had a  loving 
family who wanted to care for her.
And, by the way, you're one of the most productive members of  society that I 
know. :-)
Barbara H.
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com/_ (http://barbarah.wordpress.com/) 
In a message dated 3/26/2009 8:08:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jlu...@eskimo.com writes:

They are just going to throw those unused blastocysts away only because  
someone is making the choice to do so. After they are created they remain  
indefinitely until a decision is made by someone to remove them from  their 
frozen state.

I've seen the argument be made that they are going  to die anyway so why not 
use them to help others, such as organ donation. I  started thing about that 
reasoning a few years ago. As someone who is only  being kept alive by a 
ventilator breathing for me I began thinking that  "someone" could decide that 
if I 
was taken off the ventilator I would die  anyway so why not use my organs to 
better someone else's life. Someone might  decide that my heart, my liver, my 
lungs would be better used by someone else  who might be more important or more 
productive, less of a burden cost wise, to  society. I am not an organ donor.

Remember the Terri Schiavo case in  2005? It was a big topic on the 
vent-users list. Her husband claimed she was  in a Persistent vegetative state, 
family said she was not. The media kept  saying they want to remove her from 
"life support". She was not on life  support, she had a feeding tube. Big 
difference. A ventilator is life support.  Her feeding tube was removed and she 
starved to death because nutrition  was withheld. It was very scary to everyone 
who is on life support they way  people were fighting to get her feeding tube 
removed. If people felt so  strongly about her being removed what about us?

I believe that human  life begins at conception and that those blastocytes 
should be protected until  natural death. Use them what they were created for 
keep them frozen (i.e.  on life support). I don't think these blastocytes 
should have been created in  the first place, if a couple can't have a baby 
without intervention then it's  not meant to be. That's just what I believe. 
Obviously it's legal so the world  doesn't operate the way I believe. 


At 10:24 AM 3/26/2009,  Westgold wrote:

They just throw  those unused blastocytes in the garbage, they end up in some 
medical waste  dump somewhere.  Would you rather than that, than see those 
cells being  used to help cure a lot of horrible diseases?  You say that you 
support  organ donation -- isn't giving these blastocytes a chance to help save 
somoene's life similar to organ donation?  Don't you think they would  rather 
do some good with whatever life they have, rather than just be thrown  in a 
Jim  Lubin                
_http://makoa.org/jim_ (http://makoa.org/jim)   
disAbility Resources: _http://www.makoa.org

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