Good to have you back.    How was Mexico?       Janice
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 3:01 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] (no subject)

  Hi Everyone,  

  I was un-subscribed for awhile when we decided to run away to Mexico for a 
week last month and just got back on board today.

  I hope everyone is doing well.   How is our Jude? (Make mental note to self 
to write her privately)....    

  It's very hot here today. Spring has not completely sprung here in Ventura, 
yet the heat of the summer is upon us with a vengeance as of yesterday.  99 
degrees..... I was SO looking forward to Spring...  I hope it reappears soon.  

  Terry is having some difficulties and at long last, gets his second 
(complete) shoulder replacement tomorrow.  He is looking forward to it, but not 
the recovery as he will be down to one limb, (so to speak), until he has the 
mobility back in it. Hopefully he'll be pain free once he's recovered, too.

  I will keep you posted.  As always, I am so glad you are in my life!

  Sandy Parker

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