Peggy, glad you found this website.   I have been with this group only a few 
months and it already means a lot to me.  If we can't come up with answers, you 
at least have our complete support.      Personally, I think you need to go back
to your neurologist or surgeon and really bug them for help or have them give 
you a referral to a doctor who can help you.         Stay tuned, this is a 
great group of people.           Janice from Missouri
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jrushton 
  To: ; tmic 
  Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 8:48 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] New Member

         Hi, Peggy!  Welcome to this wonderful group of people who will be here 
for you through everything!  

        I constantly have the ice cold then hot feet.  I have just learned to 
live with it.  When I wake each morning, my feet are always warm???  Don't know 

        Just keep reading what all of the TMer's say and you will learn so much 
and realize how you are not alone at all with this.  We are all so blessed to 
have found this site..Jeanne in Dayton

        -------Original Message-------

        Date: 4/19/2009 10:43:23 PM
        Subject: [TMIC] New Member

        I was diagnosed in 2002 C 4-C 6 I am having problems with balance . My 
hands and feet have started back to being extremely cold and sometimes hot. Any 
suggestions from anyone. I had surgery in 2007 to remove the disc. They were 
pressing on the spine. It was very successful,however it seems as if I am going 
backward with a lot of muscle weakness, bladder and bowel problems. What Can I 
do? for 7 years I have been doing very well. I have never really had pain 
except when I would pull a muscle in my back. Almost pain free from the time I 
contracted the disease. I stayed in rehab and hospitals where I lost all muscle 
strength. With therapy  on a daily basis I overcame  until this sudden backward 
spiral. I was taken off neurontin for a couple of month to try something 
different  have to take an EMG on next month. I am trusting God to touch, heal, 
and deliver me from this terrible disease
        There is none so amazing as God
        Peggy Wilson

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