I wasn't sure...:)  It looked like he was one of a convention of men away
from 'home' so he was strutting pretty high..kind of like a little Bandy
Rooster!!  Jeanne

-------Original Message-------
From: pjv1...@chartermi.net
Date: 4/30/2009 8:05:58 AM
To: jrushton;  Janice;  tmic
Subject: Re: [TMIC] copy of my response
That was a compliment and I would have responded "I take that as a
compliment, thank you."  or it could have been an original pick-up line.
Patti - Montrose
---- jrushton <jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.com> wrote:
>  Jack and I had gone somewhere where there was a crowd and this one guy
> walked up to me and said, "How can someone so healthy be in a wheelchair?"
> and I just gave a pat little answer but it does bring up what you said,
> Trudy, doesn't it?  You could go on and on about not being able to 'feel'
> yet you have horrendous pain and spasms, and how you feel like your body
> full of wet sand or how the rain and cold hurts you so bad and on and on..
>  Very hard to explain, isn't it?    Jeanne
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Janice
> Date: 4/29/2009 7:56:42 PM
> To: Trudy OGILVIE;  balmat...@aol.com;  tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] copy of my response
> Barbara,
> I hope you are taking to heart what trudy is saying.     My stock answer
> when people tell me how good I look is "you should
> see my insides".        Take care, Janice
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Trudy OGILVIE
> To: balmat...@aol.com ; tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 12:34 PM
> Subject: RE: [TMIC] copy of my response
> Barbara,
> You have always been there for everyone on this TMIC list... with  hugs
> all. I had no idea you were in so much pain. Sleep is crucial to even
> to have a "good day". It's rainy and miserable here and my legs are giving
> me some real problems. I did take a vicodin since I will be here in the
> house all day cleaning etc. (my clothes washer has been broken for a week
> :) I also have learned to give myself some "recuperation" time when I've
> over done it. Someone a very, very long time ago posted the "spoon" theory

> I thought I had saved it. But it was a great way to explain how fatigue,
> pain etc...  effect your day. You've only got so many spoons.... Taking a
> shower, blow drying your hair, just getting "out" the door uses up a spoon
> or three!... I don't remember it all but it was a great way of explaining
> your "day" to friends.... cause of course we all look "so good" how could
> be in that much pain or fatigue or anxiety????
> Take care and hugs to you!
> Trudy
> Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; It empties today of its
> strengths.
> To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 00:03:45 -0400
> From: balmat...@aol.com
> Subject: [TMIC] copy of my response
> I forgot to include the TMIC when I answered these nice messages of advice
> so I am forwarding to the group.  Thanks again ladies and Rob.
> Hugs, Barbara A
> -----Original Message-----
> From: balmat...@aol.com
> To: marieke...@hotmail.com; pieterheat...@shaw.ca; jan...@centurytel.net
> Sent: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 8:56 pm
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #361
> Hello Ladies,
> I already have another TV, actually, we have 5 TV's in the house and I
> my own laptop, with WIFI.  I didn't ever think of taking it outside though

> that's something interesting to try and see if it'll work.  That's one of
> the reasons that I've been in the bedroom so much though, lol!!!  It's
> too easy to do.
> It's ok if I spend most of the day when I need to recuperate after a day
> overdoing it, but I just don't want it to be too big in my life, and that
> what had occured.  I am working on that not happening too often now, and
> far, so good.
> Thanks for all the support!  I appreciate it!!!
> Hugs, Barbara A
> Can't afford a new spring wardrobe? Go shopping in your closet instead!
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