RE: DVT, are Deep Vein Thrombosis. 

Basically, CLOTS in the vein that block it and can also break away and travel 
up in your blood stream. Very dangerous as it can go to your lungs or heart or 
brain and this can kill you. When you get DVT they put you on blood thinners to 
get rid of them and then usually you have to take another type to decrease the 
chance of getting more. People who do not move around much/are paralyzed tend 
to get them. It is important to try to move around as much as possible. If you 
can flex your ankle do it every hour to keep the blood moving so that it is not 
in stasis. You can also wear TED stockings during the day, these help as well. 
Keeping your feet elevated too. You'll know if you have one, there will be 
pain, redness, swelling in the area it is situated in. You may also see a large 
People who fly long distances and don't get up to walk around are also prone to 
getting one.

Marieke RN
TM @T1 since March 2004

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 21:07:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

Your situation seems to be the closest to my situation that I have read 
yet.  I am referring to your paragraph 2.    Also, use
baclofen (2 at dinner, 1 at 8:00pm) and have no problem sleeping 
too.   What would we do without really good husbands!?!.
You mentioned DVT's in your legs.   What are those?   
Are they painful?  I have never heard of 
that.        Janice

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