I had a blood clot in my lung when in the hospital.  I was lucky - no pain at 
all.  My doc just suspected I could have one after
being in bed as long as I was and had me tested.   I did take some meds, but 
don't remember what it was.  What they did for
you sounds terrific.              Janice
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Pieter and Heather 
  To: Robert Pall ; marieke dufresne ; 
  Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 12:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #373

  Wow Robert.  You were very fortunate to have survived.  I have not heard of a 
"Greenfield Filter".  My sister-in-law has been having little mini-strokes or 
TIA's.  I will be seeing her soon so will mention this to her.  I'm sure all in 
the medical field know about this but i have not heard of it before.  

  Heather in Calgary 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Robert Pall 
    To: marieke dufresne ; 
    Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 7:57 AM
    Subject: RE: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #373

       When I first came down with TM 11+ years ago after I was in rehab for 
about a week I developed a clot behind my right knee...they put me on Comidan 
and another blood thinner that they injected into my stomach....none of this 
helped as the clot broke and part of it went to my lungs and caused a pulmonary 
embolism (pain beyond belief)...the Drs said I only had a 50/50 chance of not 
dying....what saved me was the size of the clot and the fact that it went to my 
lungs instead of my heart or brain which would certainly have killed me. In 
order to prevent another clot from occuring I had the "Greenfield Filter" 
inserted near my groin. This filter does not prevent clots...but it does not 
allow a clot to go above your waist...effectivley making blood clots non life 

    Rob in New Jersey

    From: marieke dufresne [] 
    Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 9:38 AM
    Subject: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #373

    RE: DVT, are Deep Vein Thrombosis. 

    Basically, CLOTS in the vein that block it and can also break away and 
travel up in your blood stream. Very dangerous as it can go to your lungs or 
heart or brain and this can kill you. When you get DVT they put you on blood 
thinners to get rid of them and then usually you have to take another type to 
decrease the chance of getting more. People who do not move around much/are 
paralyzed tend to get them. It is important to try to move around as much as 
possible. If you can flex your ankle do it every hour to keep the blood moving 
so that it is not in stasis. You can also wear TED stockings during the day, 
these help as well. Keeping your feet elevated too. You'll know if you have 
one, there will be pain, redness, swelling in the area it is situated in. You 
may also see a large bruise. 
    People who fly long distances and don't get up to walk around are also 
prone to getting one.

    Marieke RN
    TM @T1 since March 2004

    --Forwarded Message Attachment--
    Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 21:07:25 -0500
    Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

    Your situation seems to be the closest to my situation that I have read 
yet.  I am referring to your paragraph 2.    Also, use
    baclofen (2 at dinner, 1 at 8:00pm) and have no problem sleeping too.   
What would we do without really good husbands!?!.

    You mentioned DVT's in your legs.   What are those?   Are they painful?  I 
have never heard of that.        Janice

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