One year after I came down with TM I became extremely depressed and
could not function at all. I was afraid to get out of bed....and when I
finally made it to work I was totally useless. I would cry all of the
time (and I never cry)...and seriously considered suicide. Looking back
I believe what triggered the depression was the fact that after a year I
stopped improving and my mind finally grasped what had happened to my
body and that likely I would never get better. My doctor recognized all
of my depression symptoms and immediately started me on took
about 3 weeks and "instantaneously" the depression was gone. I continued
on the Paxil for approx. 6 more months and then stopped it
completely...and the depression never came back...and that was 10 years
Rob in New Jersey 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 12:13 PM
To: tmic
Subject: [TMIC] depression

Has anyone seen a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc. for
depression since being dignosed for depression?  Did it help you? 
Has anyone been on Cymbalta and switched to another antidepressant? 
For those of you on Cymbalta - are you on it for depression or pain or
both and how much do you take.  I take 60mg Cymbalta, but it made me
"feel movement in my brain" when I raised it to 90Mg.  I went back to
60mg and never tried to increase it again.  
I have an appt. tomorrow and I'm wondering about putting my TM life in
the hands of yet another doctor ....and I don't think my PCP is a good
fit for me. 

Patti - Michigan

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