I have chills from reading your story and I think they started when I read that 
you can wiggle your toes.  I hope you continue to acquire movement and will 
keep us up-to-date on your accomplishments.  I was still "healing" at nine 
months and pray that you are too.

Patti - Michigan      
---- Amanda Diskey <> wrote: 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Amanda Diskey <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 12:33:53 PM
Subject: my transverse myelitis story

Hello, I am Amanda a 30 year old single mother of two awesome kids, and this is 
my story about the worst day of my life! I got up that day and helped my 
boyfriend clean his daddy's house, we ate lunch when we were finished, and I 
went outside for a smoke. While smoking my cigarette I started having chest 
pains, and my right arm was hurting so I went back in and laid on the couch. 
About an hour later, or maybe more, I decided to go to the ER in case I was 
having a heart attack. They took me back immediately, but they could find 
nothing wrong with me. After six hours of tests I told them the chest pains 
were probably caused by my GERD (acid reflux) because it had happened to me 
before, and I wanted to go on home. After I left i noticed one of my knees 
buckled every time I took a step, but I didn't think much of it. I went to bed 
early cause I just didn't feel good, and I woke up about 11 p.m. because my 
back was on fire like it was sunburnt. There was a
>  rash across my shoulders and down my spine. I was feeling really bad, and I 
> told my boyfriend I needed to go back to the hospital. When I went to get out 
> of bed I almost fell in the floor, but he caught me. I could not stand so he 
> had to carry me to the car along with both kids. So here we go, I have to 
> stop on the way and started throwing up over and over again. I finally get to 
> my second hospital of the day only to run tests until 6 a.m. and finally 
> admitted to a room where they left me lay for 12 more hours without even 
> monitoring me. When the neurologist finally came at 6 p.m. I was paralyzed 
> from the shoulders down. He said that 2 more hours I could have died! He 
> transferred me to ICU at another hospital and I was 3 points away on blood 
> oxygen levels from being put on life support. It was 2 days before I was 
> diagnosed with TM at C6-T3 and also T9-T10. I received 5 days of IVIG, and 10 
> days of solumedrol, and an antiviral. I stayed in ICU for 8
>  days, 2 days on the neuro floor, and 6 weeks of inpatient rehab. I still go 
> to therapy now. I got a partial recovery, my arms returned but not so much my 
> hands. My trunk and legs remain paralyzed but I can wiggle my toes! It has 
> been 9 months now and who knows what could happen! Maybe they will figure out 
> a cure one day!!

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