How do you know if you  are addicted to pain meds?  I have taken so many 
different pain  medications, over the past nearly four years, I don't think 
they work for me  anymore  I am currently taking, Percocet 5/375mg  or Vicodin 
7.5/750mg  4 X daily, Lyrica 800mg, Fentanyl patch 125mcg every three days. 
 After  taking all this pain medicine, I still have excruciating pain in my 
hands, legs  and feet.  As long as I've been taking these drugs, I have 
never had the  feeling of euphoria or being "high." My pain just increase, if I 
don't take my  medicine on time.  I experience blurred vision, sleepiness, 
lack of  concentration and memory; and the fact that I have recently had my 
Baclofen pump  turned off, and now take oral Baclofen four times a day, does 
not help the  situation any.  I have never tried to wane myself off the 
medicine, in fear  of the pain I may experience from not taking it.
I hear of people being  addicted to painkillers, does that mean that they 
are getting a high from taking  it, or that they can't stop taking it because 
of their pain?
C-4 Quadriplegic, since July 2, 2005
Due to Transverse  Myelitis
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