Okay, Jeanne,
Now I want to know how old you are.    Sure hope it is a lot older than me!!!   
P.S.      Good answer to Peggy.     Also, Peggy, Jeanne is right.    We are all 
here for you.   This group took away the "isolation" feeling I felt.    They 
are a great group and you can ask "any" questions you want.                     
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jrushton 
  To: pwi1991...@aol.com ; tmic 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:09 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Lonely need someone to talk to

         Hi, Peggy,

        Gets pretty lonely, doesn't it when you are the only one with such 
unusual things going on with your body and no one around you that can truly 
understand?  Keep on doing lots of praying and use this site no matter what 
time of day or night you need someone to chat with.  We may not have the 
answers but we sure as heck know what you are going through when in comes to 
feeling 'alone' sometimes.  Each one of us have different pains, numbness, 
spasms, and symptoms but we all are in a very special area that no one else is 
in so we are here for you.  

        If your meds are not taking care of the stiffness in your hands and 
fingers then you do need to talk to your doctor and see if he/she can help you 
with that. I don't know what your age is and don't have to know but if you are 
an older chickie like I am, I have to be honest with myself and realize it 
probably has to do with just plain growing older and taking a couple Tylenol 
really seems to help.  Please check with your provider, tho, in case it is 
something they don't want you to do.

        Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.  The TM is not 
just physical in that it affects our feelings and mind tremendously with 
everything we have to deal with.  Hugs...Jeanne

        -------Original Message-------

        From: pwi1991...@aol.com
        Date: 5/12/2009 1:06:26 AM
        To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
        Subject: [TMIC] Lonely need someone to talk to

        I have TM for 7 years and have more stiffness in hands and fingers than 
anyone. Can you give me some advice

        There is none so amazing as God
        Peggy Wilson

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