I don't want to forget those first few days......my family circled the wagons 
me, I had friends the day after I was admitted, at one point that day I 
awakened to 
see the other 7 members of my bridge group standing at the foot of my bed with
a beautiful bouquet, and many others who cared............I'm sure to a certain 
tent their love and prayers were one reason I recovered as much as I did those 
first days in the hospital/skilled nursing unit!!  One nurse said the laughter 
heard told her that "we'd" recover.  And 12 years later, "we're" still gaining 
those early days!!  Just keep hope, love, and laughter in your life, AND the 
list!!  :)

--- On Fri, 5/15/09, kevin weilacher <hwyfli...@yahoo.com> wrote:

After some thought yesterday and after reading your note...I think I may just 
start celebrating my TM anniversary...Why, you ask..?    Well, because as this 
first year has passed, I look back and look at what I have accomplished in that 
year...and dammit....that in itself is reason to celebrate. 
In the coming years I'm sure that I will continue to make some more small baby 
steps in recovery, so I may as well celebrate.

You are right in saying though..about not forgetting, I'm quite sure that I 
will never forget the day that TM reared it's ugly head. It is burned into my 
memory like a hot poker into a piece of wood.

I am glad to hear from you and others that I have spoken with...that many years 
down the road and you are still making some recovery. That gives me quite a lot 
of hope.

Thanks for the kind words about my blog...I will continue updating it as long 
as I have things to write about so stay tuned....who knows what's around the 

Be well everyone....


From: L T CHERPESKI <cherp...@msn.com>
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com; kevin weilacher <hwyfli...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 9:58:47 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] My one year TM anniversary

#yiv1954982589 DIV {

  Hi Kevin,
  We may not "celebrate" our TM anniversaries, but we sure don't forget them, 
do we.  It was 7 years for me last month and I remember the onset like it was 
yesterday.  I don't know if you remember a couple of weeks ago on the list we 
were talking about how much we've gained, what we've gained, or if we've gained 
anything after the 2-yr mark.  I'm still noticing improvements in many areas 
after 7 years.  On the other hand, I've had some challenges along the way too.  
As we say, one day at a time.  I have checked out your blog - it's great.
 For all of us  -  Many more good days ahead for sure
 Linda - Eagle,ID

----- Original Message ----- 
From: kevin weilacher 
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:04 PM
Subject: [TMIC] My one year TM anniversary

I have reached my one year TM anniversary today....what a ride it's been..!!

I look forward to many more good days ahead...and for anyone that's 
interested...I created a blog that I've been updating since right after TM 
hit...You're welcome to browse through it....


Be well everyone....

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