Hi, Carol here, Jim Belz's secretary,such as I am,grateful for Spell  
check.Jim is in the shower getting ready for church where today we will listen  
to and vote on a new Pastor, A lady from Pennsylvania. We have been without a 
 full time minister for almost 2 years. Anyway we had a big day 
yesterday,on the  road for about 6 hrs to attend a first communion party for 
beautiful twin  grandaughters. Jim drove the 3hrs there and our son-in-law 
back home. We  are lucky that he and our daughter live close enough to ride 
with us to things  like that. Anyway I just caught up on several notes to the 
list and I sure agree  with all of you about the wonderful people and the 
great expanse of knowledge we  can get. It reminds me of back in 2005 when 
Jim was diagnosed and we were told  only 2 people in a million get the 
disease. WE were frantic and thought we would  never find out anything, then 
but surely, with the help of the internet  we got a connection. We thank 
God that we found you guys.  I also want to  post a note to Jude, I know it is 
hard to get in a doctors face as so many of  them think they are GOD or at 
least one of his staff .However you write so  eloquently that I think you 
should try doing that. When you feel up to it ,try  composing your thoughts 
and the things that have frustrated you. I think  sometimes doctors listen 
better when they don't have to listen. I would make a  couple copies, one for 
you to keep and another for another doctor if you need  one. Just my opinion 
such as it is, Wepray for you daily. Send Love to you both,  jim and carol
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