I think Jeanne hit it when she said the frustration level with this disease was 
so high it could cause depression.   Even if you find a doctor that knows 
something about TM, there isn't that much they can do for us.   They try to 
give us the right meds for our problems, either physical or mental, but that 
can be trial and error too.   I can not tell you how many of our questions to 
have not been answered.   They just say "it is different with each patient".    
   I get a lot more talking with you guys than the 
doctors.   Toward the end of my 9 weeks in the hospital, they put me on Zoloft. 
  I was finally realizing that this was a life-long disease and all I could do 
was learn how to deal with all the parts of my body that no longer worked.   
Now I just take it one
day at a time and as something else goes wrong, I have a pity party for a day 
or two, then go back to fighting whatever the
current problem is.  When I left the hospital I didn't think about any future 
problems, I thought, "okay, this is it and we can deal with it".   How could 
anything else go wrong  -  so naive!!!!!     I don't have nearly the problems 
some of you have and I feel
I need  help with Zoloft.    I think this is a problem for us that needs to be 
talked about and brought out into the open.   I take aspirin for a headache and 
Zoloft for depression.                 Janice

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: balmat...@aol.com 
  To: jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.com ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 1:00 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] long story

  Thank you Jeanne, 

  Your message was great.  I have told people so many times.  Now, they have so 
many different anti depressants and if one does not work for you, talk to your 
doctor and get another one!!!!  Do not suffer one more minute! But people still 
in this day and age continue to just give up after one failed attempt at a 
doctor or medication.  They'd get second opinions on so many other things, but 
not their mental health.  Heck, when looking for a new car, don't you test 
drive until you a satisfied with the one that works for you?  We have to take 
charge of our health, both mental and physical.

  It's also commonplace to change from one medication to another when one 
doesn't seem to match your symptoms any longer.  I started on one (I can't 
remember the name now) and was on it for about a year, then was switched to the 
Wellbutrin, which I've been on for many years. 
  Thanks again Jeanne for your pearls of wisdom.  

  Barbara A 

  -----Original Message-----
  From: jrushton <jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.com>
  To: balmat...@aol.com; tmic <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
  Sent: Thu, 28 May 2009 5:26 am
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] long story

  0EC31D6F-6E0F-43AF-AFED-D30128DB4C61 cid:66552075-E1C0-45D9-9459-4ADBC40F0DC6 
repeat #ffffff left top X-ASN,X-ASH,X-AN,X-AP,X-AD ; From the time I can 
remember and that's a pretty long time, 'being depressed' was almost an 
embarrassment and something to be shameful for.  So many, many people just 
lived with it and the big 'thing' was Valium.  While I was nursing, there was 
Prozac and as most of us know it either works or it doesn't and when it doesn't 
it makes you feel like you are one crazy loco.  Then one day I read an article 
in the 'Dear Abby' section which was strange because I usually didn't read it 
at all.  It was all about a 'career woman', who had suffered with depression 
for years and had a very hard time covering it up at times.  She would get thru 
her day and crash. She went from doctor to doctor and finally found one that 
gave her 'the talk' she needed.  That doctor told her that depression was just 
exactly like other diseases and he used diabetes as an example.  He said that 
it would not embarrass h! er to take meds for that nor any other illness so why 
should she for depression when it was caused by something in her body that was 
not working correctly and was a physical ailment just like the others. By the 
time he got thru with her, she was on top of the world, no longer shamed by 
something she had no control over and the good thing was that she could now 
talk about it and share what she finally discovered and it made perfect sense.  
She wrote this letter that I cut out, made many copies and handed out to every 
patient that came in feeling embarrassed because they, too, were depressed and 
feeling bad about it which only aggravated the problem.  Now, they have so many 
different anti depressants and if one does not work for you, talk to your 
doctor and get another one!!!!  Do not suffer one more minute!  You don't have 
to!  If they won't listen to you, then go to someone who will care and help 
you!  Deal! ing with TM is bad enough as it is and is known to have a very! 
high de pression rate probably due to the frustration of no one knowing what to 
do with us! :)  Except us, of course!  We just take care of each other!  Whew!  
How is that for a mouthful from old Rushton??

        I am also taking advantage of this site by sending a priceless little 
short video of my 2 year old.  It will come separately because I can't figure 
out how to move it over to here! It's amazing!  Love to all...Jeanne in Dayton

        -------Original Message-------

        From: balmat...@aol.com
        Date: 5/28/2009 2:08:05 AM
        To: jeffsmokeea...@yahoo.com;  tmic-list@eskimo.com
        Subject: [TMIC] long story

        Hi Jeff,

        You have been through it, but have managed to make it.  You are an 
inspiration that you have managed to make it back from depression without any 
help from anti-depressants or a psychologist, but there is no shame in using 
either or both.  Many of us have found the help and comfort from one or both of 
these and whatever helps us is what is important to not suffer from depression 
and be able to continue on with our lives.

        Hugs, Barbara A 

        Wanna slim down for summer? Go to America Takes it Off to learn how. 

  Wanna slim down for summer? Go to America Takes it Off to learn how. 

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