
In answer to your questions.

1.     Since Tm I have always had a problem in the heat. Humidity included 
makes it very bad for me. I start getting a very weird feeling almost becoming 
very limp and weak and if I cannot control my limbs. The only way I can explain 
it to non-tm people is I get a floating feeling and when it happens I have to 
find a place to cool down. I use towel wrapped ice packs on my wrists, back of 
my neck, forehead and the back of my knees. Once cooled it seems the energy has 
been sucked right out of me. I like very warm showers (which give me the same 
effect) so I have been taking my showers right before bed. Works better than 
any sleeping pill ever made. LOL

2.     I get banding in 2 spots. The first is around the bottom are of my 
chest. Right where the bottom of my bra sits. It is about 3 inches wide and 
goes right around my trunk. At times removing my bra help but other times it 
seems to want to stop me from breathing. Nothing but resting or sleeping helps 
this. The other banding I get is around my neck area.  It seems to be right 
where the top band of a tee shirt is. I sometime feel like I am chocking. When 
I have it you will see me pulling at the neck of any top even if they are not 
even close to my neck. I have stretched out all my tops this way plus being a 
big Turtle neck fan in winter has stopped except on good days. 

3.     As for my marriage it is very good in allot of ways since my husband 
knew about my TM before we married. June 7th of this year was our 10th 
anniversary. Our sex life has steady gone downhill but we love each other and 
he is very understanding of my TM. At times we both get frustrated with it when 
I can't go to a wedding or family get together, when I can't clean or cook, or 
when I can't stand to be touch by even a sheet or clothes. 

Lyrica has helped with allot of this but right now nothing is helping. I am 
more angry, frustrated and sad that I can't do more while he remains patient 
and loving. 

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